Tuesday, September 17, 2013

It's time to be frank.

I miss the following: quiet time in the car, make up (like a WHOLE face of make up), quiet bathroom time, taking my time to cook a gourmet meal, eating said meal over no set period of time, wearing clean clothes, time at the gym, sleep, deep sleep, light sleep, ANY SLEEP, watching grown up tv, spending money on me, high heels, craft time, concerts, time alone with my husband, a clean house, shopping, girl time, sitting down to read a magazine, long hot uninterrupted baths, pedicures, nights with chad in the hammock dreaming about our future, car rides that do not involve Elmo, Bob and Larry, any cartoon for that matter, perfume, silence, going into the grocery store and getting exactly what I need in less than ten minutes, and so much more.  Being a Mommy is tough.  Being a Mommy to three kids at once is REALLY tough.  Granting myself the grace to be ok with missing all of those things might be hardest of all. It is a work in progress people.  But at the end of the day, I am so in love with this life and I wouldn't trade it for the world.Look at these faces - seriously. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey Frank,

    You're doing a great job. Transparency is the new kale. Seriously, it's okay to covet they neighbor's sleep - just not his wife.

