Saturday, August 4, 2012

Buttermilk biscuits and sweet tea

Yes.  It is a Saturday in the very early morning hours.  And I am awake.  Somehow my body did NOT get the memo that it only needs to wake up this early Monday through Friday.  I tried to convince it, but after 30 minutes of trying to lie still and breathe slowly - it was no use.  So I got up and of course the first thing that I thought of (like so many other days) was the kiddos.  It is currently 12:49pm in Kinshasa.  I have spent so much time in my own head - just imagining what life is like for them - it almost seems crazy when we get real information.  Currently they are in Kinshasa with their friends.  Lots of their sweet friends.  And they are having fun.  How do we know?  Take a look at our sweet girls face...

There is NO denying that she is smiling.  For real this time.  So basically she is hanging out and being well taken care of.  It makes my heart so happy to know - and it is so crazy that I can actually imagine her in this place.  And it is real.  And we have visuals.  :)  Let's not leave out the sweet little man - no smile - but boy is he getting big!

I mean seriously.  LOOK at those legs.  Sigh.  They are so skinny and so cute.  I think he could most definitely surpass his Mama and Daddy in height.  
So now we have real pictures - but it gets even better - because ANY DAY NOW we will be finding out an embassy date.  This is one of the final steps in getting our kiddos home. That means someday soon - we will have an idea of when we get to travel TO GET OUR KIDDOS.  
That seems insane.  It seems that we have waited so long. When you have such a long wait, reality seems further away sometimes.  But not today.  Because we are going to get our kiddos.  Soon.  
So now I am beginning to REALLY imagine life with our kiddos here at home.  I can't wait to introduce them to all sorts of things- but one is at the top of my priority list.  My family grew up eating every Saturday breakfast together.  Not in front of the tv.  Not at McDonalds.  We ate around the table together.  In our PJs.  (Well just my Mom, sis, and I - My Dad stuck more to his everyday uniform of light shirt and dark bottoms)  Every Saturday without fail my Mom would whip up the MOST AMAZINGLY DELICIOUS batch of buttermilk biscuits.  Its seems appropriate to use a little southern vernacular here.  Ya'll - they are so scrumptious. (insert a little Paula Dean accent and we are good to go)
  They are fluffy.  They melt in your mouth.  Our Saturday morning biscuits were usually accompanied by a heaping pile of bacon (I mean seriously - who has anything bad to say about bacon?) Finally we topped it all of with a big glass of Sweet tea.  That's right folks.  I grew up drinking sweet tea for breakfast.  As much as I may differ from my southern friends - I have to dig down to my roots and appreciate the goodness of southern breakfast.  SO.  I have been practicing.  I have been imagining.  How cute will Etta's face be when she eats her first homemade southern biscuit?  (Here's hoping she will appreciate the goodness of southern cooking like her Mama.) How hilarious will Kab be with his first sip of sweet tea?  Now don't worry folks - I am not saying that they will eat or drink like this every day.  I am in fact a little bit of a green hippy Mama when it comes to our every day food.  But I just have to say that I can't wait for Saturdays.  
They are going to be SO much fun with those two kiddos.  
So keep praying us through this red tape.  Keep praying for a little more funding for our travel.  We are so close.  It seems unbelievable but it is real. And thanks for keeping up with our story.  It is really only just beginning. :)

Hopefully I will write soon.  To give you specific details.  Because we are GOING TO GET OUR KIDS. 
The Chalos Party of Four


  1. I love those sweet faces!!! Cannot wait! Praying that this most important call comes soon!

  2. They look so sweet! I think we're both gonna have some beautiful, tall boys! And I love biscuits on Saturday! What a great tradition! Lew and I do blueberry muffins and I always think of how great it will be once the kids are here and we can share them together! We are gonna have some awesome Saturdays very soon Kristle!!! :)

  3. I cried (yet again) as I read your blog. The Chalos Party of Four is in my daily prayers. We are (almost) as excited as you guys. We are anxious to meet the kiddos!

    Luv & Hugs,

  4. I have a craving for biscuits and sweet tea after reading this! Your littles are too precious,and your right ..those legs. When I first saw our littles' legs and feet for the first time i got so excited, something about their little feet:)
