Sunday, August 26, 2012

No Sleep Zone...

If you were to enter the Chalos household tonight, you would be entering the no sleep zone.  Want to know why?  Hello people.  Have you been reading??? Our embassy date is TOMORROW.  TOMORROW IS OUR EMBASSY DATE.  Our sweet kiddos will be "interviewed" along with our lawyer.  This is the last MAJOR date before we get the kiddos. It is vitally important for this day to go well.  So we covet your prayers tonight.  We are 6 hours behind Kinshasa time - so tonight is the time to pray because when you wake up tomorrow - they may have already had their meeting.  After tomorrow,  we are literally 3ish weeks from meeting our kids.  And here is what is better - we aren't the only ones with an embassy date tomorrow or in the days to come.  Our sweet adoptive bosom buddies are also holding their breaths for good news - because they have had or are days away from their embassy date.  So don't just say a prayer for sweet Kab and Etta - but pray for the many kiddos and families who are weeks away from becoming forever families.  Lots of sweet kiddos have incredible journeys beginning in the weeks ahead.  So thank you.  For your prayers and support and incredible love.  We are so close.


1 comment:

  1. Angela Pflueger WhiteAugust 27, 2012 at 12:19 AM

    Chad, Just praying for you and your soon to be forever family. God Bless you, your wife and those precious kids!
