Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Adoption Snags...

So just an update - I talked to our adoption agency yesterday and found out that they pushed our class back to November.  This news was really heartbreaking considering what we have gone through up until this point We know that this is just the beginning of an extensive process in which we will spend a LOT of time waiting.  So now we are asking for your prayers as we consider what the next step might be.  We have a couple of options; to stay with our agency and wait - to explore other agencies - to open the door to international adoption - to post our profile on an online website and pay monthly... We are just trying to make the best choice and hold our head up- which isn't easy. Nothing about this is easy.  But we are working very hard to trust God's ultimate plan.  I read an awesome devotion this morning (courtesy of a forward from my friend Jame and the author Jon Walker)

Here is an excerpt....

"Oswald Chambers, in My Utmost for His Highest, says, "The nature of the spiritual life is that we are certain in our uncertainty." He says we can be certain of God, even if we are uncertain of the next step he wants us to take. We can be certain of God's plan for us, even if we are uncertain of the specific details. Even though we're uncertain, we can be confident God will not disappoint us (Romans 5:5). "


  1. Hi! I just read through your blog which I found through an online friend. She sent me here because I've been through what you're going through. After 5 years of not getting pregnant and playing the adoption waiting game, we finally brought our son home in August.

    I know you've probably heard this a thousand times... but as soon as you meet your baby... YOUR baby... the wait, the pain, the depression, the grief, the anger, the yuck... all worth it. Totally worth it. And after a while, you'll forget what life was like before you were chasing around a tiny crawler and wearing spit up like it's a fashion statement.

    Hang in there, girl. If you need to chat or vent or whatever, I'm available. :)

  2. Oh, and how can I get a tshirt??
