Tuesday, June 5, 2012

So when are those kids coming home.....

Weeellll.  I certainly wish I could answer that guys.  I really truly do.  But I can't.  I can tell you that we are getting closer.  I can tell you our agency is doing EVERYTHING within their control to help get our kiddos home.  Tonight we got the lovely news that our kiddos are officially ours - as in "CHALOS" babies.

That is cause for great cheers, parties, balloons being released, etc.... But alas, that does not mean we can hop on a plane and fly right over to get them.  There are several processes that we need to complete.   Chad and I will be keeping our feet firmly planted on American soil for the summer.
We are bummed. beyond bummed really.   

Needless to say, we are in NEED of some fun - Some seriously laugh until you cry kind of fun.  So I have started a summer "advent"ure calendar - some of the activities include.... zoo, movies in the park, LOTS of drive in movies, a WHOLE day in my pjs, Girls Day (homemade pedi's, facials, ridiculous romantic movies, etc...), church softball (I will NOT be playing - just watching), a trip or two with my favorite girls to IKEA, alphabetize my classroom library(only my teacher friends will appreciate this one), music in the park, Pool time (like every morning from 10-12), day trip to Chattanooga, organize all crafting materials (lets be honest, that could take ALL summer)...Can you think of anything we can add to our list? Also, keep us in your prayers - Pray for the people who will soon be receiving our paperwork, for short red tape, for our kids - health, safety, and happiness.  Thank you.  We KNOW you are there.  We feel COMPLETELY unworthy of your love and support.  But boy are we SO glad that you are!!!!!

Love ya!
The OFFICIAL Chalos Party of Four


  1. This made my heart to backflips :)congrats to the FOUR of you! You can officially start a bobsled team.

  2. God has had his hand in each step of this journey - and we know his timing is perfect, but COME ON ALREADY!!! We all want you to be able to bring those sweet babies home!!!

    Congratulations, Chalos Party of 4!!!

  3. So happy for you to get the "official" word that you are parents:) And I completely understand the being bummed part about not being able to go get them when you want to. Hoping it goes smoothly for you and you have those babies before you know it!

  4. I hate waiting - and I can't even imagine how tired of it you must be :( Proud of you for being thankful for the good news (and it is HUGE good news!), and for making plans for fun in the meantime. As my Dad used to say - in response to yet another 'Are we there yet?" - you are getting closer with every turn of the wheel. Please know we are here with ears to listen and arms to hug and shoulders to help hold up the load . . . Praying every day for all 4 of you. Love you so much! ~ Ronda
