Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Mother's Day

Last week, I looked upon my sweet sweet first grade friends' faces as they created their Mother's Day gifts.  Their eyes were filled with excitement and innocence.  They could NOT WAIT to sneak into their Mother's room early on Sunday morning (and by sneak - I mean wake their moms up with giggles and stomping) and have them open their gift.  Their sweet view of Mother's Day is one that many adults still have:  Innocence, gifts, celebrations, extra love and hugs, mothers and their children.  Yet as I have grown, I have been introduced to a new perspective on Mother's Day.  Now I see that sweetness - but I also see grief, hurt, loneliness, sadness, tears, heartache, anger - from some of the most amazing women I know.  Women who can no longer hide behind that innocent childhood view of Mother's Day - Women who have been devastated by their loss - angered by what has yet or never may be - and women who spend many days missing their best friend who has been taken from them to soon.  So I will spend this week thinking of these women - praying for them - and knowing that with these lessons - comes a choice.  I love this quote I read this week....

"You can't change what happens to you in life, but you can certainly change who you become after you go through it."

I choose to attempt to become better.  To love with more passion.  To truly try not to sweat the small details.  To trust God in the midst of whatever and wherever life may take me.  I choose to remember those sweet fingers and toes that I never got to touch.  To believe that she is in such a perfect place with so many other sweet friends who joined her before we were ready.  I choose to be grateful EVERY DAY for the mother who loved Odette and Kab - who carried them and took care of them in ways that I NEVER could. I will forever try to love them to the heights and depths of love with which she loved them.  

What do you choose today?


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